Chronic Absenteeism At CCSD More Than Twice National Average
USA, Washington State, Bellevue, Interlake High School
There are some real troubling numbers coming from the Clark County School District after an update they provided on Thursday. They found a large minority of enrolled students – 40 percent – were “chronically absent” through the school year.
Chronically absent is defined as missing at least 10% of school days. That would be at least 18 days.
The issue is a national one, with U.S. Department of Education numbers finding nearly 17 percent of students missing at least 15 days of school. But that is less than half of Clark County’s number. Black, Native American and Alaskan Native students had a higher rate than others. So the question is…why?!
The district puts the spotlight on circumstances around the child’s life, including housing and financial instability, as potential reasons for the stark number.
New partnerships have been forged between Clark County School District and the county itself to help address some of the underlying issues that result in the absentee issue. “The Chronic Absenteeism Collaborative” will create a link between the district and county to help stage interventions for the students missing classes and their families, to help potentially alleviate the reasons their kids are missing school. That partnership will run for five years (for now).
Raw (and somewhat old) data from the United States Department Of Education shows that the issue varies depending on race. The percentage of White and Asian students missing class were under the overall average, while Hispanic, Black, Native American and Pacific Islanders were far beyond the national average. The issue also depends on the grade. While Elementary and Middle school kids tend to fall under 15% chronically absent, but the numbers pop up for high school.
Whatever the reason, the district and frankly all Clark County families need to get this under control for the sake of our kids.
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The Best Las Vegas High Schools Ranked 2022
One of the most important takeaways from education is that it helps individuals develop critical thinking skills. Personal growth comes from learning which intake helps with gaining more confidence, financial wealth and literary skills.
Nevada is an ever-growing city with a population of just over three million. More people are moving to Las Vegas to give their families a better life. With the American dream in mind, where does education fit into the equation? Education is important to families who want to offer the best for their children and generations to come. conducted a comprehensive analysis to find out where states rank in educational opportunities and performance. Their data was configured over three categories which included Chance for Success (January), School Finance (June) and K-12 Achievement (September). The overall grade is the average of the three separate scores.
Nevada finished 50 amongst all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The state scoring earned 68.6 out of 100 possible points. That is the equivalent of a D plus grade average. The country ranked at a C grade average. Find out more about their education research within each category.
Let’s be honest, Nevada does not have a great education system ranking but that does not mean that all Vegas schools are bad. Vegas has the 5 largest school district in the United States with the Los Angeles Unified School District taking first place. is a leading non-profit when it comes to research insights and parenting resources. The non-profit gives an insight on “school quality” based on a rating from one to 10. Top-rated schools are considered 10’s. Ratings between one to four are looked at as below average. Ratings between five to six indicate average. Ratings seven to 10 are considered above average.
Let’s see how Vegas high schools, public and private, are ranked from 10 to one.
Shawn Tempesta is the co-host of Aimee+Shawn on 102.7 VGS in Las Vegas, Nevada. He is also an Emmy award nominated television host. As a content creator for 102.7 VGS, Shawn writes about current events, education, funny and trending stories.