Aimee + Shawn Will Set World Records
The University of Florida recently made headlines when their mascot, Albert Gator, set a new world record for fist-bumping 340 students in three minutes! His record-breaking feat beat the old record of 220.
This got us thinking: if we could set a world record, what would it be? Aimee says that she could open the most bottles of wine in one minute. Shawn things he can catch the most shrimp in his mouth thrown by a chef.
If you’re looking to make history and have your name appear in the Guinness Book of World Records, it’s important to find something that is challenging yet achievable. Here are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing!
Most Apples Eaten with a Knife and Fork in Three Minutes – Ever tried cutting an apple with a knife and fork? It’s harder than it looks – but if you can master the technique, you could be on your way to setting a world record. It’s definitely not easy (or safe), but if you practice enough, you might just be able to do it faster than anyone else in the world! Because you will be the only one to try it.
Longest Distance Skateboarded in 24 Hours – You don’t necessarily have to be Shawn White or Tony Hawk to attempt this one – all you need is a skateboard and loads of determination. Who knows how far you can go in 24 hours? Set yourself a goal, stick with it, and see how far your hard work takes you!
Most Pushups Completed in One Minute – This is another challenge that requires strength and endurance – (not my style) but with enough practice and dedication, anyone can do it. Pushups might seem like an easy exercise at first glance, but they actually require quite a bit of core strength and stamina. Start small with 10 pushups per day and gradually build up your strength until you reach 100 pushups per minute!
If these ideas don’t spark your interest, why not come up with something unique that nobody has ever attempted before? Whether it’s juggling fruit while walking backwards or doing handstands for three minutes straight – no idea is too crazy when it comes to setting world records! So have fun dreaming up impossible feats! Good luck!
Listen to Aimee+Shawn weekday mornings from 6-10 on 102.7 VGS
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