August 24th is the Most Common Day for Office Workers to Call in Sick
Have you ever noticed that there is a certain day of the year when it seems like everyone in your office is out sick? According to a recent study by Flamingo, a firm that helps companies manage employee absences and medical leaves, that day is August 24th. The study also found that the next most common day for employees to miss work is February 13th. Researchers came to this conclusion after studying 300 businesses and 10,000 employees. The study also discovered the top reasons why employees miss work, with stomach bugs being the most common, followed by anxiety and stress. (I had no idea you could call into work because you were stressed. I would never be here.)
They’ve reached the end of their rope and need a day to recharge.
Summer vacation burnout: August is traditionally the month when many people take their summer vacation. However, this time off can sometimes have the opposite of its intended effect: instead of returning to work refreshed, employees can feel burnt out and in need of another break. This could be why August 24th is such a common day for workers to call in sick.
Back-to-school stress: For many families, August is also the time when children head back to school. This can be a stressful time for parents who need to adjust their schedule to accommodate the new school year. Also, if an employee’s child is sick or needs help adjusting to their new routine, it can be tempting for the employee to take the day off to be there for them. If you are a parent, you’ve been there.
How to avoid August 24th absences
As an employer or employee, it’s important to take steps to prevent absences on August 24th. Employers can offer more flexible work arrangements during the summer months, such as allowing employees to work from home or offering more lenient vacation policies. Employees can also take proactive steps to avoid burnout and illness, such as taking regular breaks throughout the day, practicing stress-reduction techniques like meditation or yoga, and practicing good hygiene to avoid getting sick.