Is This 1 Comment Considered Bullied Online?
This is an honest question. Is this considered bullied online? Let me give you a quick backstory before you watch the video below. I posted the video I took of a fun moment I had with my two boys the other day. We had a water gun fight inside the house… because I’m not a regular mom. I’m a cool mom. I thought it would be funny to dump a bowl of water on my oldest head because he got me and his little brother really really good at one point.
We were all soaking wet and it was a fun family memory for the 3 of us. I posted the video so people would have a laugh and I was ready to be yelled at for me dumping water on someone when they were on my carpet knowing damn well, I would have to be the one to dry it up. And most people loved it. Actually, 99% of people liked it except one Instagram user.
She took offense because my son’s pants were below his booty. (Mind you, I don’t like when kids do that either.) Saying “Teach your child to have respect for others and pull his pants up. Teach them when they are young.” I told her that he doesn’t do that ever and his pants were falling down from them being wet and him running. She insisted I shouldn’t have posted the video.
I felt the need to say something because she doesn’t know my kids or me. If she was saying something about myself it would be different but I don’t want people saying things about my kids especially things that are untrue. I’ll never understand how people would take where his pants were sitting from a fun family memory I had with my boys.
I’m not a regular mom. I’m a cool mom
It’s important to remember the repercussions of online bullying can spread far beyond the social media world. It seeps into the real lives of people. It’s known that adults and kids alike who are subjected to online harassment experience higher levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. Sometimes escaping the torment is nearly impossible, especially while the virtual world is taking over our existence. Some people are even deterred from posting even school pictures of their kids. That whole story is here.
At the end of the day, it shouldn’t matter what anyone says about you online especially when you know it isn’t true. But it still hurts or gets under your skin. So think before you comment on someone’s things you don’t know who or how many people you are affecting. Just be smart and be kind and enjoy the fun moment I had with my boys. 🙂