5 Tips That Can Help You Avoid Being A Crime Victim
It’s a fact of life that sometimes crimes are going to happen. But that doesn’t mean you have to be the crime victim. Regardless of where you live or work, there are things you can do to keep yourself safe.
I was raised in South Central Los Angeles in a neighborhood surrounded by crime and local gangs. There weren’t many options for a young kid in the hood. You either joined a gang or were very good at sports. Luckily I had a mother who knew how to keep me from being a product of my environment. Even though I found other options, there were still crimes happening everywhere.
Tips I Learned To Avoid Being A Crime Victim
According to the FBI’s website, a violent crime happens every 26.3 seconds in the United States. And a burglary every 28.3 seconds. These tips can help you avoid be the crime victim the next time one of these criminal events happen.
Tip 1: Be Aware Of Your Surroundings

This woman is not paying attention to her surroundings. She is much more likely of being a crime victim than someone who is aware of their surroundings.
The one thing I learned quickly is how to adapt to my surroundings. One rule of thumb is to keep your head on a swivel. That means you look around often and check your surroundings. That also means get your face out of your phone! There is no text or Tik Tok video that’s more important than your life. It can wait.
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Tip 2: Mind Your Business
You are not the police or someone else’s parent. That means you don’t need to intervene when you see a crime. However, if you see something, you should say something. Obviously, if someone is getting the crap kicked out of them, you want to be a good human and help. Just make sure you only intervene as much as possible while keeping yourself safe.
Tip 3: Hide Your Cash

This is a smart shopper. She’s putting her money in her wallet before she leaves the store. Lowering her chance of being a crime victim when she goes into the parking lot.
When you’re out shopping, don’t pull out a wad of money when it comes time to pay. Budget before you walk into the store and only keep that amount on you. You don’t want to advertise that you are ballin’. Because, trust me, there’s a good chance someone will be waiting in the parking lot who wants to ball for you.
The same thing goes for after you make your purchase. Put your money away before you leave the store. Don’t be looking at your receipt and counting your change while walking out to your car.
Tip 4: Park In A Safe Place
I know we’re all in a hurry to get our stuff done, but that doesn’t mean you take the first spot available if it’s not in a safe spot. Get one close to the store if you can, and always avoid dark areas. Look for a well-lit spot and secure all your valuables in your car.
Tip 5: Educate Yourself On Tricks Criminals Use

This man could have just jumped into the car of a crime victim after she got out of the car to retrieve something on her back window that the thief left. Don’t let that be you.
If something seems out of the ordinary in your day, don’t just write it off as an inconvenience. Be suspicious. Criminals use all kinds of tricks to get you into a vulnerable place. The most popular is putting a piece of paper on the back window of your car so that you have to get out of the vehicle to remove it. That’s when they hijack your car, and anyone who might be inside.
I’m not trying to scare you, but these things happen. And these tips are designed to keep you from being a crime victim. Stay safe!