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I wear T-shirts A LOT.  I love clever shirts especially clever musical shirts.  Shirts that take a moment for the surveyor to pick up what you’re laying down are my favorites.

After some pretty intense scouring of the internet, I’ve chosen my ten favorite clever musical shirts.  Some of the shirts are going to hit better if you have a bit of knowledge in reading music, but I think anyone can figure out the jokes of these shirts.  There are also a couple that aren’t jokes… they’re just cool.  The guitar/guitarist shirt is a true must-have.  Scroll down to check out my picks or read on from some delightful music conversation.  Either way, you’re welcome.

What Musical Genres Help Most With Mental Health?

To me, music is a necessary food group for feeding the soul.  Music can lift you.  It’s a friend that understands where you are in the moment and puts you back in moments from the past. Psychiatry.org has a great piece on the science and surveys behind the positive mental effects of music.

My favorite genre of music is rock, however, I believe that great music is found in all genres.  Music is in the ear of the beholder.  Reachout.com says that classical music is best for focus. I can’t disagree, but also, I disagree. The site says that classical music played softly in the background helps our focus best.  No offense to classical music, but that would make me feel like I was in a perpetual elevator.

For a great list of common phrases that are influenced by music, check out classicfm.com.  Everything from “pulling out all the stops” (Did you know that phrase originated with the organ?) to “Music to my ears,” it’s another way to appreciate all things music.  OK! Let’s shop!  I hope you find a clever musical shirt that speaks to you.

My 10 Favorite Clever Musical Shirts

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