All of us here at Star 107.9 have been asking you which songs you want us to play more and less often for a while. Now, we want to take your input to the next level.
If you’ll take a few minutes, we’ll commit to making Star 107.9 sound even more like you want it to. We want to know exactly what you think of our little radio station and the other stations in town. It’s also really helpful to know a little about how you use us. (Luckily for all of us, we’re used to being used.)
Your responses are completely confidential and we do not share personal info. If you’re short on time, you can pause, save your survey answers, and pick it up later.
We appreciate you, and we want to make Star 107.9 sound exactly the way you’d like. We’d tell you that we love you, but we don’t want to sound need and use the L-word first, so thanks for being part of our little family!