If your career appears on this list… Godspeed. Now more than ever before, I know that stress is prevalent in nearly every workplace. And I’m talking high volumes of stress across the board. People that used to work one single job are now finding themselves doing the work of three or four. It’s so sad, and ultimately, it takes a massive toll on employees in several ways. It’s certainly not helping anyone’s mental or physical health, and it’s more than likely not even helping increase the size of their paycheck much either.
While every job has it’s stressors, Careercast has released a list that pinpoints the top 10 most stressful jobs. When I checked this thing out, my jaw literally the floor. Okay, not literally. But she went agape… Spoiler alert: Your girl’s career falls into the #5 spot. I’m shocked… but also not at all. It can certainly be a stressful career at times. But for every stressful moment, there is a rewarding one that outshines any stressor tenfold.
I’ve worked a couple of the other jobs listed as well, and let me tell you, whoever made this list hit the nail on the head. #2 is no joke… It was, hands down, one of the most stressful jobs I’ve ever worked in my life. Those that haven’t dealt with the various issues thrown on employees working in that position might not realize just how much junk they have to deal with. #4 had me stressed to the core as well. I have no doubt in my mind… If you’ve found yourself in that job before, you will relate. It’s, unfortunately, part of that job to be the one that stresses. Sigh.
Did your career crack the top 10? Check out the top 10 most stressful jobs, and if you see yours below, consider scheduling a massage or a yoga class to relax and decompress over this Labor Day weekend. You’ve certainly deserved it, my friend.