The Surprising and Hazy Origin of 4/20
It’s 4/20. Happy 4/20? Is that what they say?
If you are a smoker this is your holiday! But do you know where this infamous date/time comes from? Did 4/20 come about because of a clock, a calendar, or simply a joke? Well, today we’re going to dive into the smoky history of 4/20, and maybe learn a little something along the way.
It would be nice to have a concrete answer to what 4/20 truly means, but that would be too easy.
- The origin story of this stoner day has been clouded by rumors and false leads. Some say it’s the police code for marijuana possession, but that’s been debunked.
- Others claim it has to do with Bob Dylan’s song “Rainy Day Women #12 & 35”, where the chorus goes “Everybody must get stoned”. Why those numbers? Because 12×35=420, naturally.
But legend has it that the real story behind 4/20 (4:20) is, in 1971, a group of California high school students, who called themselves the “Waldos” (because they hung out by a wall on campus) supposedly heard about a secret patch of weed in a nearby forest, and started meeting up at 4:20 pm to go on a hunt… They never found the secret crop, but the code name “420 Louis” (later shortened to just “420”) became their secret code for smoking pot. And thus, a holiday was born.
Hey, is it a coincidence that Snoop Dogg was born in 1971? I think not.
We still don’t really know if it started as a time or a date. the true origin of 4/20 may never be completely confirmed, but that’s part of what makes it a fun. I guess. Whether you’re someone who partakes in marijuana use or not, there’s no denying that 4/20 has become a part of our cultural fabric. Kick back, relax, and let the good times roll. Peace, love, and happiness to y’all.