Tips to Get Fit in the New Year for Nevada Residents
December is the season to celebrate the holidays and party it up with some extra Christmas cookies or drinks, but January is the time to undo all the damage of…

Getty Images / Vasyl Dolmatov
Getty Images / Vasyl DolmatovDecember is the season to celebrate the holidays and party it up with some extra Christmas cookies or drinks, but January is the time to undo all the damage of the holidays and get fit. Sure, areas like Las Vegas don't get hit with the kind of winter weather that you see in the northern states. But, you might not feel like exercising outside, because depending on where you are Nevada, it can get chilly, especially at night. For example, lows are in the 30s in Las Vegas this week. In the summer, it can get too hot to exercise outside, too.
Tips on exercising indoors can really help you achieve that desired health level without having to workout in uncomfortably cold weather or swelter in hot weather. Here are some ways to exercise inside, and, as always, consult with your doctor before you try any new workout or diet routine.
Exercising Indoors to Stay Fit in Nevada Winters
Switch It Up
Exercising inside can get boring, because you see the same environment. But, you can prevent boredom and try working new muscles. "There is a benefit to switching up to your workout routine," Joel Hardwick, ACSM EP-C, EIM2, an exercise physiologist at Piedmont Atlanta Fitness Center, states. "If you normally cycle outdoors, trying a new workout class or cardio machine at the gym will challenge new muscles and prevent boredom."
Make Exercise Play Time
There are ways to make exercise fun. "If you're willing to invest a little cash, all the major game systems - like the Microsoft Xbox One, the Nintendo Wii U, and the Sony PlayStation 4 - make exercise fun with motion sensors that track your movement," Web MD notes. "Get fit as you dance, do yoga or tai chi, go white-water rafting, or fight zombies." They add that some fitness games can estimate the calories you burned after the workout, and listen to some good workout music to get you in the mood, too.
Try Different Indoor Cardio Options
If you don't feel like doing the treadmill at home, there are other ways you can get your cardio on. "If you love cardio, you probably don't want to give up that runner’s high, but you might not want to venture out into frosty conditions either," Silver Cross notes. "During the cold winter months you can get your heart pumping indoors with cardio workouts you can do at home." They suggest climbing stairs, jumping jacks, mountain climbers, burpees, jump rope and high knees.
Go Virtual
If you don't feel like getting on the snowy roads and driving to a fitness center, bring that fitness training to you with a virtual workout. "Several companies specialize in streaming workouts for a variety of exercise styles, from barre and yoga to Pilates, dance and core," Right as Rain states. "All you need is a subscription and an internet connection to start toning your glutes on demand." Reach out to me with your indoor fitness tips.