Tacos And Tamales Hosts Spicy Lucha Libre Wrestling With Colorful Spandex And Body Slams
Tacos and Tamales Festival not only features local veteran food trucks but jaw-dropping entertainment that will keep you hooked for hours. On the north side of the Desert Breeze field,…

A body slam to the back might hurt. Luchadores train many hours to take hits like this.
Gianni Giancola via BMG Las VegasTacos and Tamales Festival not only features local veteran food trucks but jaw-dropping entertainment that will keep you hooked for hours. On the north side of the Desert Breeze field, is a 12x12 four-sided ring with stanchions on either side. Fans are gathering in to watch luchadores stand their ground in freestyle wrestling.
Multiple teams consisting of three members each, are tag teaming with high flying moves, corkscrews and arm drags. The colorful masks are really eye-catching!
Tacos And Tamales: Lucha Libre Wrestling Knowledge
Fun fact: BBC.co.uk states that a "Heel" is known as the bad guy of Lucha Libre Wrestling and the "Baby" or "Face" is known as the good guy. Let's be honest, we love a good villain (or Heel) and we have quite a few. The wrestling matches take place about every two hours with a variety of different luchadores.
What's more exciting is when they have their tag-team matches. TheSporter.com says, its when one luchadore tags his mate to take his place to finish the job. When you're hurt, it's a pretty smart move to phone in a friend.
Tacos and Tamales fans are cheering on every heavy slam and body contact. Listen, sometimes pain makes for some great entertainment. Plus, elotes cheese is flying on the floor from all of the reactions and wind.
The Craft Of Wrestling Freestyle
There is an art to what these wrestlers do. The high flying moves take practice and skillset. Take a "Driving Clothesline" for example which is basically an elbow-arm attack flying at you from 10 feet above. When done correctly can be pretty damaging. The agility and quickness these wresters have to convey is impressive.
Make your way out to Desert Breeze Park for the remainder of Saturday, March 23 and then for Sunday, March 24. Tickets to the Tacos and Tamales Festival are $6 for single day and 10$ for weekend passes. Ages nine or younger and 60+ are free (tickets are still required for entry). See you soon!
Meet Bobby Beaver The Host

Lucha Libre Face Entrance

*Bell Rings Start Match

Luchadoras Do Indeed Exist

Uh-Oh Ref Is In Trouble

Let's Go!!!

Lucha Libre Wrestling Builds Community