Some people are “born and raised”. They were born, they stayed put, they didn’t change a thing. Then there are others that get bored of the same ol’ and pack up their lives to see what else the world has to offer. Turns out there’s a lot of people setting their sights on Nevada (although not as much as a few years ago).
According to a survey, along with Census Bureau data compiled by, it turns out there’s an exodus, particularly in the northeast, to head to warmer climates. “No kidding,” you say. We know, that’s nothing new, but the list is changing.
Only 5 years ago, in 2017, Nevada found itself near the top of the chart: number 4 in the list of states getting inbound moves. Utah was way down in 41st place. Florida and Texas at 12 and 15 respectively.
Here we are in 2022, and Nevada has slid to 10th on the list of states people are moving to. Utah jumped way up to 9th on the list. Florida and Texas are now atop the list.
Why are people moving?
According to the CraftJack study, jobs are at the top of the list. Not to mention, COVID really changed the landscape for people – no longer locked to their office chair and able to work from anywhere. Other reasons included moving closer to family, a lower cost of living, wanting warmer weather or just flat out wanting something new.
Where do people want to move to? California is 2nd on the list, despite it being the number one state people are leaving in the study. Something tells us the “cost of living” category is playing heavily here. Colorado topped the list.
So, here’s the list of states people are moving to and from… we know a guy with a dolly if you need help moving boxes.