Pilot Tells Someone On Plane To Stop AirDropping Nudes To Passengers (VIDEO)
Back in the 1950’s, flying on an airplane was something special. You’d dress up in a nice suit or dress, sit down and fly the friendly skies. They might even…

Back in the 1950's, flying on an airplane was something special. You'd dress up in a nice suit or dress, sit down and fly the friendly skies. They might even serve you a full dinner! Today is... different.
A Southwest Airlines pilot had to get on the microphone before taking off for Cabo San Lucas. Why? He got wind of a passenger (or passengers) using the Apple iPhone "AirDrop" feature to send nudes to unsuspecting strangers. Some strong "I'll turn this plane around" vibes!
"So here's the deal. If this continues while we're on the ground, I'm gonna have to pull back to the gate. Everybody's gonna have to get off. We're gonna have to get security involved, and your vacation is gonna be ruined. So you folks, whatever that AirDrop thing is, quit sending naked pictures and let's get yourselves to Cabo"
- Southwest Airlines pilot
This Is Nothing New...
Believe it or not, this isn't a first, or a fifth or tenth time. AirDrop bombing has become a trend where people will send anything from the cute to the obscene to everyone around them on a plane, in a line or on a bus.
One person on a flight coming from Tel Aviv AirDrop bombed their fellow passengers with imagery of plane crashes. One passenger fainted, another had a panic attack, and they had to return to the gate. The flight was delayed several hours. Last year, a teen AirDropped his flight a picture of an Airsoft gun. Once again the flight was brought back to the gate to have everyone re-scanned.
Nudes? They are a common occurrence too. This guy AirDropped another Southwest flight his nether regions earlier this year and was met by FBI when they landed.
Moral of the story, you don't get to join the Mile High Club for AirDropping pictures of your stuff. Quit it.
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