Parents! Save Big Money With This Easy Goldfish Hack
Let’s call it what it is, parents. The cost of raising our kids is skyrocketing and has us wondering how our parents did it. They let us go outside and play for hours without a cell phone or a care in the world. We turned out alright. Why are today’s kids bankrupting us? Well… what if I told you there’s money to be saved. Where? Goldfish.
Yes, Goldfish crackers are a staple food of practically every American child. The cute snack that smiles back has been around in the states since 1962 and immediately became a favorite of kids and parents alike.
That said, those little fishes have been hunting us like a shark hunts its prey. Secretly, quietly, it has been pilfering hundreds of dollars from wallets and pocket books and today is the day we fight back.
How parents could save big money on Goldfish with this easy hack
By now, you’re wondering why you clicked this. What a stupid article, right? How much does Netflix cost? $15.49 a month on average? What if I told you this hack could save you enough money to make Netflix free for a year? You interested?
There is something to be said for “grab and go” convenience. It’s just easy to get a sealed 1 ounce bag of Goldfish and toss it at your kid in the backseat of the minivan. But the cost of that convenience is massive.
Those foil bags can cost anywhere from $0.65 to $1.00 each! So, for the sake of this argument, we’ll assume the average cost of a bag is $0.82. This is based off of actual prices from Smith’s and Albertson’s. If your kid eats an average of 1 bag per day (very likely), that is $299.30 over 365 days. Nearly $300 a year! That’s a lot of Goldfish.
Chances are if you’re a parent, you’ve got a Costco card. Use it.
Buying these little suckers in bulk saves a ton. A 66 ounce box of Goldfish, with three equally filled bags inside, goes for $11.99 at Costco. That’s about $0.18 an ounce, which is nearly one-fifth the price of the average pre-sealed bag! Over the course of a year, at an ounce a day, you’re looking at $66.28. That’s a savings of around $234 a year! Over $19 a month! Nothing to sneeze at! If you have more than one kid, you’re saving that much more! It adds up quick!
Yeah, but the convenience of the bags…
Sure, there’s a price to convenience, but there are two ways to dole out the crackers. Obviously the tiny Ziploc bags are one way, but those are a hard cost that’ll ruin the savings. Thankfully Costco has a great deal on Whiskware stackable containers right now. Three of these for just $15.99. That gives you six “larger” containers to put those crackers in. So for the cost of the cups and the Goldfish at Costco, you’re still spending around half the cost of the pre-filled bags, and your savings only increases from there.
Don’t let lifestyle creep steal all your money!
Follow These 10 Tips To Save At The Grocery Store
Let’s be honest, folks. Times are tough. Inflation is horrible. And my money seems to be disappearing left and right.
The worst part… pretty much everything has went up in price. Everything. Prices are even higher now than they were even just six to eight months ago. My wallet is feeling the pain. And unless you are literally rollin’ in the dough, your wallet is likely feeling it as well.
Luckily, there are ways to combat these high prices and save some money, especially when it comes to grocery shopping! You don’t have to become an extreme couponer either. I mean, if extreme couponing interests you, by all means! It works true magic, and I love watching the videos of the checkouts breaking down over the amount of money being knocked off. I find it… soothing. I’m weird.
However, the reality of today’s society is that most of us just don’t have the time to hunt down and snip out mass loads of coupons. I know I don’t. That’s why I’m sharing this list of 10 tips to save at the grocery store from a new report by Finance Buzz. For those that feel they’re already exhausting all options, check out this list. I definitely take advantage of several of these already, but I’m so excited to try the handful that I haven’t already adopted as part of my shopping habits. And trust me. The ones that I already practice… they WORK.
So give these a try the next time you turn to Walmart or Smith’s for your weekly grocery haul. Most of these can be utilized at literally any store, and if you take advantage of them correctly, you’ll see the savings just like I do.
Check out these 10 fabulous tips to save at the grocery store:
10) Consider In-Store Pick-Up
This is honestly the only way I grocery shop now because I can SEE the difference in my grocery budget and my bank account. By ordering your groceries online or through a store’s mobile app and choosing in-store or curbside pick-up, you’re avoiding setting sights on a bunch of random junk you truly don’t need. You know what you need, friend. Order those goodies ahead of time, and let employees do the shopping!9) Use Your Gift Cards
Remember that random gift card you got for your birthday that’s collecting dust in the back of your wallet? USE IT. That’s why you have it! Free money!8) Use Budgeting Apps
BUDGET. I cannot stress this enough. Keep yourself on track, and don’t spend more than what you’ve allotted for. You’ll thank me later when you’re rollin’ in the DOUGH.7) Buy In Bulk
Buying in bulk rather than buying small quantities at a time is SO important in the money-saving game. Items you know you’ll need and use for a long time down the road… Buy in bulk and SAVE.6) Don't Check Out Just Yet...
Don’t rush to complete a purchase… It’s okay to sit on it for a bit and further ponder the items in your cart! When I do this, I typically find myself removing an item or two in the end, thus ultimately lowering my total. I save a nice chunk of money, and I have yet to regret removing any of those items from my cart.5) Subscribe & Save
The “subscribe and save” feature is clutch! Just by subscribing to receive necessities every few weeks or months, you can receive discounts on essentials you know you’re going to have to buy anyway.4) Become A Loyal Member
I’m so passionate about loyalty programs! They’re usually FREE, and they can snag you some sweet deals.3) Stack Offers
When you’re able to, stack those offers! It can shed dollars off your total in a flash.2) Know Price-Matching Policies
Read the fine print. Know which stores offer price-matching. It could pay off big time!1) Sign Up For Newsletters
This is KEY for finding out about those killer deals. Some stores even offer exclusive coupons for those signed up to receive their newsletter!More Content You'll Love
13 Common Lunch Foods To Avoid For More Energy
Do as I say. Not as I do. It’s important I be honest and frank with you. I consumed four of these foods at lunch today. Am I starting to feel extra tired? Oh yeah. Big time. But according to a new study posted by Health Digest, avoiding those certain foods could’ve helped me ultimately avoid this midday slump.
There’s nothing worse than hitting the early afternoon of your workday and mentally hitting a wall. When your eyes get heavy, and your body wants nothing more than to lay down and take a fat nap. But there’s still several hours left of your day, and there’s still so much work that needs to get done. While it might not be 100% possible to completely avoid these feelings some days, there are definitely steps you can take to ensure that your body has the nutrients and energy it needs to power you through your day and get you to the other side.
As Health Digest points out, it’s important to remember that several different factors could be contributing to feelings of exhaustion in the afternoon. For example, stress could be at play in different areas of your life, and those stressors could be causing you to feel less motivated and sleepy. Also, remember that everyone is different, and every body is different. Some foods and drinks might not have the same effect on one person as they do another, Some might not have any effect at all on certain people. It just depends.
However, if you frequently eat or drink any of these common lunch foods and find yourself feeling sluggish afterwards, maybe try setting these aside for a bit to see if it makes a difference. It can’t hurt! Diet is so important when it comes to energy levels. After all, the goods we ingest are ultimately the equivalent to gas in a car. We’re fueling our bodies!
How many of these do you regularly enjoy at lunch time?
13) Diet Frozen Dinners
I love these things. They’re so quick and easy! But beware.. some might be swiping your energy.
12) Cherries
One of my favorite fruits. I would’ve never guessed!
11) Potato Chips
This one is slightly more predictable. Lay off the chips, yo.
10) Foods That Contain MSG
MSG is a food additive used to enhance flavor, and enough people experience weird feelings once consumed that it might be worth it to stay away.
9) Rice
Ah, rice. You’re so delicious. But my stomach feels like a rock after I eat you.
8) Fast Food
Kind of obvious. Fast food will basically, typically, put your body into hibernation mode.
7) Dairy
Watch out for dairy… It can get you feeling sluggish.
6) Sugary Desserts
So. Much. SUGAR! You might gain some energy for a minute, but the crash could hit you hard.
5) Alcohol
Wine is great and all, but it might have you “wine”ing that you’re tired after lunch.
4) Turkey Meat
Fun fact: That feeling of total exhaustion after you gobble down turkey dinner at Thanksgiving? It’s not a Thanksgiving thing. Consider avoiding the bird.
3) Cheeseburgers
One of my FAVS. But I find myself preferring mine with a side of a nap.
2) Caffeinated Beverages
Coffee. Pop. Energy drinks. They’re delicious and slightly addictive. But they’re gonna ultimately leave you zonked!
1) Bread
This one… THIS one… Will drain your energy. But it’s so yummy… Sigh.
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Las Vegas: 7 Tasty Treats To Enjoy This Fall
Fall is, hands down, my favorite season of all. The overall color palette, the comfy, cozy sweaters, and the drop in temperature is enough to send me floating on a pumpkin-shaped cloud nine.
Perhaps my favorite component of fall is the treats. It’s no secret at this point. I’m a major foodie. I live for trying new things and exploring the many dining options our fabulous city of Las Vegas has to offer. Drinks and goodies that give major fall vibes honestly give me life. They get me genuinely excited, as I know they evoke the same emotions for many others. That’s why I decided to ask on my Instagram and 102.7 VGS’ Instagram what our followers favorite fall treats were and what I needed to hunt down and try as we head into the season. And they did not disappoint!
Some of these items are brand spankin’ new, some are fall classics, and some are only available in Las Vegas. You can’t go through the fall without a Pumpkin Pie Blizzard from Dairy Queen. That’s a given. But the brand new Blood Orange Dunkin’ Refresher from Dunkin’ needs the hype and the spotlight it deserves. And Starbucks… We already know they’ve been killing the fall game for decades with their Pumpkin Spice Latte. It’s almost like an unspoken rule. You basically have to get one, but it’s important to know before you go that the price went up.
Nonetheless, these items are sure to shift you into the fall spirit in no time. And I’m ready to transport at first taste. I’d really like to say “sayonara” to these ridiculously high temperatures at this point. I love the desert and all of the weather it brings throughout the year, but enough is enough. Bring on the sweaters and the Sanderson Sisters!
Check out these 7 tasty treats to enjoy this fall in Las Vegas. How many have you already tried?
7) Krispy Kreme - Pumpkin Spice Collection
You’re welcome. Just… you’re welcome.
6) Honolulu Cookie Company - Fall Collection Box
The fall vibes packed into these little cookies… UNREAL.
5) Dairy Queen - Cinnamon Roll Centers & Pumpkin Pie Blizzards
While the Pumpkin Pie Blizzard has been a go-to fall treat for years, the Cinnamon Roll Centers Blizzard is brand new! I can’t wait to give it a try…
4) Starbucks - Apple Crisp Oatmilk Macchiato
Dairy free and suggested straight from our followers! Served hot or iced, this one is a must-try.
3) CJ's Italian Ice & Custard - Pumpkin Pie Concrete
It’s coming BAAAACCCKKKKK! Thank goodness!
2) Dunkin' - Blood Orange Dunkin' Refresher
We knew our followers had good taste before this suggestion. This just confirmed what we already knew. Don’t miss out on this new, refreshing, fall favorite!
1) Starbucks - Pumpkin Spice Latte & Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew
These two are basically the guiding light leading us into colder, cozier days. It’s great to have you back, sweet friends.
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Las Vegas: Pumpkin Spice Lattes, Fall-Inspired Drinks Start Tomorrow
Pumpkin spice and fall flavors during this August heat? Count us in.
If you’re hankering for a toasty-flavored drink that reminds you of crisp autumn air then we have splendid news for you.
Dunkin’ Donuts will be rolling out its fall menu tomorrow Aug. 17, according to its website.
The donut-and-coffee chain will bring back some of its signature and fan-favorite items on the fall menu.
According to Dunkin’ Donuts‘ newsroom, “fall isn’t just a season, it’s a lifestyle.”
Items that are returning tomorrow include:
- Pumpkin Spice Signature Latte
- Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew
- A lineup of pumpkin-flavored bakery items
- Maple Sugar Bacon
Along with this, the donut chain will unveil NEW items as part of their fall menu. These new items are the Blood Orange Dunkin Refresher and the Nutty Pumpkin Coffee.
Dunkin’ will also have great deals for this upcoming season. Starting Aug. 17 until Sept. 13, you can enjoy a $3 medium Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew or a Pumpkin Spice Signature Latte.
However, we know there’s a group of people who absolutely refuse to order anything except Starbucks‘ cult-classic pumpkin spice latte. So you may be asking yourself, “When will Starbucks release their PSL-flavored drinks?”
Well, the answer isn’t as clear cut.
According to, internet sleuths swirled around rumors that Starbucks will release their fall menu items on Aug. 30. But, these are — as said before — simply rumors, and the coffee giant hasn’t released an official statement regarding the drop date for the pumpkin spice concoctions.
Despite this, you can still indulge in a PSL-flavored drink. Although we don’t have a clear date for the actual Starbucks stores, grocery stores will start carrying fall-flavored items. And like Dunkin’, Starbucks had to add new contenders in their fall-flavor roster.
New flavors will include Starbucks® Pumpkin Cream Nitro Cold Brew and Starbucks® Salted Caramel Mocha Flavored Coffee, according to a press release.
And don’t worry. You can still expect the original flavors to be sitting on store shelves. Seasonal favorites include Starbucks® Pumpkin Spice Flavored Coffee, Starbucks® Pumpkin Spice Cold Brew Concentrate, Starbucks® Pumpkin Spice Flavored Creamer, Starbucks® Pumpkin Spice Flavored Non-Dairy Creamer, and Starbucks® Iced Espresso Pumpkin Spice Latte. Enjoy!
The Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew Is The Main Character
Cozy Couch and A PSL Are All You Need
We Can't Wait Until The Carmel Apple Macchiato Comes Back Out
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20 Best Coffee Shops In Las Vegas
I think it’s safe to say that coffee is often a saving grace. And Las Vegas coffee shops have definitely helped us recover after a night out.
It’s truly the perfect beverage that’s available in multiple mediums. Hot, iced, sweet, bitter, frothy or blended; coffee can quench any type of caffeine craving.
Coffee is also a ritual for many of us, often signifying as the gong that starts our day. When we smell the brewing beans and hear the bubbling noise of the carburetor, memories are often pulled from the back of our minds about cornerstone moments in our lives.
Along with the memories and conversations that are associated with the amazing beverage, coffee is also symbol in many cultures. Whether it’s the brewing method or the type of beans being used, coffee — like most things — vary across the world.
There are four types of coffee beans: Arabica, Robusta, Liberica, and Excelsa. And according to, Arabica and Robusta are the most common and popular type of beans.
Arabica is known for having a smooth and complex flavor with a distinct lack of bitterness. Robusta, often associated with Vietnamese coffee, has a stronger and bolder flavor with a higher hint of bitterness laced within the coffee’s profile.
The other and less common coffee beans, Liberica and Excelsa, have different flavor notes and are grown in Africa and Asia.
According to CoffeeAffection, Liberica beans “has a controversial and polarizing reputation for wild inconsistency. Those who’ve tried this rare variety either love it or hate it.”
Some have described the flavor as nutty, woody and “burnt,” with a backbite.
Excelsa beans have qualities that are a mixture of light and dark roast traits. These beans have tart and fruity flavors with a lighter aroma. Yet, these beans still have a depth of flavor.
There’s also a science to the coffee brewing process that emphasizes and brings out certain flavors of the beans, which you can read more about here.
To celebrate our love of coffee, here are some of the best shops in Vegas.
Wow Wow Lemonade
Although this establishment focuses on lemonade, Wow Wow Lemonade serves cold brew that’s simply to die for. The Blue Hawaii Cold Brew is amazing.
Gäbi Coffee & Bakery
5808 Spring Mountain Rd, STE 104, Las Vegas, NV 89146
MadHouse Coffee
8470 W Desert Inn Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89117
85°C Bakery Cafe
We recommend the sea salt coffee!
Double the fun with our Fan Favorite: Sea Salt Coffee! This month, 85ºC App Members can redeem their August Sweet a...
Posted by 85C Bakery Cafe on Monday, August 1, 2022Grouchy Johns
8520 S. Maryland Pkwy, Las Vegas, NV 89123 and 6350 W. Charleston Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89146
Serendripity Coffeehouse
7795 W Sahara Ave Suite 101, Las Vegas, NV 89117
How about an Ice Coffee with Toasted Marshmallow, well come check us out @serendripity_coffee
Posted by Serendripity Coffeehouse on Wednesday, June 22, 2022Coffee Religion
5191 W Charleston Blvd Suite 185, Las Vegas, NV 89146
Bbear Coffee
6850 Spring Mountain Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89146
Bbear Cafe - Las Vegas, NV
Specialties: We serve many drink options to include milk teas, iced teas and espresso based coffees. House made flavors with real ingredients are available. We also serve gluten-free and vegan taiyaki or GF and vegan boongeo pang with variety of filling options as well. Boba, tapioca pearl, bubble tea Established in 2018.
Matcha Cafe Maiko
Here’s a little option for those who still want caffeine with a matcha or tea latte twist.
3400 S Jones Blvd #3, Las Vegas, NV 89146
Royal Coffee Roasting
We recommend getting the death cream or the iced shaken almond milk latte. These two coffee drinks are subtly sweet, creamy and rich.
Aware Coffee & Tea Lounge
5590 Painted Mirage Rd suite 130, Las Vegas, NV 89149
Leone Café
400 S Rampart Blvd #10165, Las Vegas, NV 89145
☺️ Great photo! Thank you so much for your business!
Posted by Leoné Café on Sunday, May 15, 2022Palm Sugar Coffee Bar
9420 W Sahara Ave suite 107, Las Vegas, NV 89117
Cafe Lola
Multiple locations across Las Vegas.
Viva Cafe
Located inside of the Boulevard Mall, 3528 S Maryland Pkwy #314, Las Vegas, NV 89169.
We recommend the horchata-flavored coffee drinks!
Havana Express Cuban Kitchen & Bakery
Although this eatery specializes in Cuban food, the bakery serves amazing Cuban Cafecito that’s the perfect accompaniment to any baked good.
2590 East Tropicana Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89121, United States
Caffeine Machine
4520 S Hualapai Way Ste 109, Las Vegas, NV 89147
Mothership Coffee Roasters
1028 E Fremont St, Las Vegas, NV 89101
Makers and Finders
Multiple locations across Las Vegas.