Unleash Word Magic: The Most Beautiful English Words
Many people consider French, Italian, and Spanish to be the most romantic languages. That’s fine and all but what about the English language? After all, English has given us words…

Many people consider French, Italian, and Spanish to be the most romantic languages. That's fine and all but what about the English language? After all, English has given us words like incandescent and euphoria, which tend to just roll off the tongue. Best Life, a lifestyle magazine, compiled a list of what they consider to be the most beautiful words in the English language.
They picked 60 words and put them each into a category. These categories include beautiful words related to your state of being, unusual words related to nature, beautiful words with negative meanings, and aesthetic words, among others.
The Most Beautiful Words
When it comes to the most beautiful words related to your state of being, aesthete tops their list. An aesthete, according to Merriam-Webster, is someone who appreciates beauty, especially in art. If you're moved by sculptures and paintings, or if you act like you are for others, you might be an aesthete. Either way, saying the word brings joy. Other beautiful words related to your state of being include ebullience, eudaemonia, and euphoria. Actual Euphoria, not the TV series.
As far as beautiful, unusual words related to nature go, aurora tops the list. Once the name of the Roman sunrise goddess, aurora now covers both the morning and the cool light show up in a planet's magnetic polar regions. It's also the name of the Disney princess from Sleeping Beauty. Right after aurora comes cynosure. Back in the 17th century, people used cynosure for both the North Star and the Ursa Minor constellation. Even though that still works, Merriam-Webster says anyone grabbing the spotlight or guiding can be a cynosure.
Interestingly, incendiary is the top beautiful word with a negative meaning. It means extremely hot or inflammatory, or anything that causes a fire. Inure, which is also on their list means to accept or grow accustomed to something undesirable. These used the example of, "your family's constant criticism could inure you to toxic behavior from loved ones."
See what other words made the cut with the complete list here.
Here Are the 20 Most Common Passwords Leaked on the Dark Web – Change Yours Now!
You might think your favorite password is really easy to remember. But if it's too easy, chances are it's not very secure. Mobile security firm Lookout recently published a tally of the 20 most commonly found passwords in leaked account information on the dark web. As you would expect, many of the passwords are a variation of "12345," while others are as simple as "Iloveyou." With passwords like that, you're putting yourself at risk to get hacked.
We get it: you want a password that is easy to recall. According to NordPass, the average person has more than 100 different online accounts that utilize passwords. It's hard to remember all of those. But, make sure those passwords aren't too easy to hack.
One idea is keeping an old-fashioned notebook - yeah, that thing with paper wound into a binder - with all of your passwords in a secure place. And, switch up the characters, using numbers, letters and symbols.
These are the 20 most common passwords leaked on the dark web
The list is via mobile security firm Lookout.
1. 123456
This is literally the easiest password ever. Do people really use this?
2. 123456789
Taking the easiest password and adding a few more digits..as if that makes it any more difficult to figure out!
3. Qwerty
This one caught me by surprise. Why is this such a popular password choice?
4. Password
You have to be kidding me.
5. 12345
Another super easy one.
6. 12345678
Notice how so many of these are just variations of 12345?
7. 111111
I can't imagine anyone using this as their password, but it's apparently very popular.
8. 1234567
Another variation of 12345.
9. 123123
At least this one switches up the number order a little. But still!
10. Qwerty123
Now we're getting complicated. Not, really.
11. 1q2w3e
This actually doesn't look like a super easy password to me, but it's obviously based off the keyboard, so I can see why it's easy to crack.
12. 1234567890
One more based on 12345.
14. 0
You cannot be serious. Don't most password systems prevent a password like this, anyway?
15. Abc123
Are we in grade school?
16. 654321
17. 123321
Another super easy one.
18. Qwertyuiop
Probably the most complicated on on here.
19. Iloveyou
Very sweet- but not a good password.
20. 666666
All you kids who think it's cool to use "666" for anything won't think it's too cool when you get hacked!