Big Reason Why Clark County Never Has Enough Teachers
A recent study sheds some light onto the teacher shortage problem in Clark County. It appears that the field of education is the industry with the highest burnout rates. New…

The education industry is seeing some of the highest rates of burnout in the shortest time on the job.
coscaron via Getty ImagesA recent study sheds some light onto the teacher shortage problem in Clark County. It appears that the field of education is the industry with the highest burnout rates.
New Study: American Industry With The Highest Burnout Rates
We’re a little over a month away from kicking off the 2024-2025 Clark County School District school year. I’m not trying to rush it for you teachers, students, and administrators. But it seems that every year around this time we start hearing about the CCSD teacher shortage problem.
A recent study conducted by the career experts at reveals that American educators are employed in the industry with the highest burnout rates. In fact, over 4,000 companies in more than 400 job sectors were included in this review of information on LinkedIn.
From this data, they were able to determine which American industries have the highest burnout rates. In other words, how long does it take for you to want to change jobs or careers.
It seems educators are looking for new jobs or careers at the average median rate of every 2.88 years. Now, they’re not just referring to K-12 teachers. These figures and rankings also include any sort of instructional or training jobs in schools, colleges, universities, and vocational centers.
In fact, according to this survey by, the education sector is the only American industry seeing burnout rates at under three years. So, that may shed some light onto the teacher shortage problem we see every year around this time here in Clark County.
Other Industries With The Highest Burnout Rates
The American industry which has the second highest burnout rates happens to include my field of endeavor. The technology, information, and media industries are seeing an average median burnout rate of 3.41 years.
Although I’ve been a radio broadcaster for over 40 years now, during my early years I did move from job to job quite often. It wasn’t until I arrived here in Las Vegas that there was some stability in my career. Now, I’m fortunate to have been with 96.3 KKLZ since 2007.
This study shows a tie in third place for industries with the highest burnout rates. Real Estate and Equipment Rental Services have an average burnout rate of 3.91 years. This industry sector is tied with Administrative and Support Services, also showing an average burnout rate of 3.91 years.
I guess no matter which industry you’ve chosen to earn your paycheck, there’s always a chance you’re going to get tired of those specific tasks. Here’s hoping you’re enjoying your current vocation, and that you will for many years to come.
Now, feel free to scroll down for more content which may interest you.
Top 5 High-Paying Jobs In Las Vegas That Are In Demand
Let's face it: The economy is a little delicate right now. It seems that the cost of items is increasing, it's harder to take vacations and things just seem economically stagnant. You may be looking for a career change or possible other jobs in Las Vegas.
According to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, job openings plummeted in April, equating to be the lowest level in three years.
From this statistic, it seems that the job market is definitely becoming more competitive. And according to the Washington Post, "Hiring is slowing, especially for recent graduates, with coveted white-collar employers pulling back on new postings."
Jobs In Las Vegas: Market Is Tight And Competitive
We don't want this bleak forecast on the labor market to scare you. Even in times of recession, there is opportunity for economic growth. Along with that, Nevada's economic data is showing a positive growth in regards to some economic indicators. The Nevada Governor's Office of Economic Development reports a growth in the state's gross domestic product (GDP), median household income and labor force employment in 2023.
But, this doesn't take away from our unemployment rate. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Nevada's unemployment rate in April 2024 was 5.1%. In comparison to the rest of the country, that's one of the highest unemployment rates.
We're basically right behind California, which has a 5.3% unemployment rate during the same data period.
An online financial publication called CPA Practice Advisor reported and interviewed David Schmidt, the chief economist at the State of Nevada Department of Employment, Training, & Rehabilitation, which is a state workforce development agency.
Schmidt said we have more people who are "entering the labor market, or re-entering the labor market, or voluntarily left their last job as opposed to people who lost it."
Although inflation does feel suffocating, wage gains have seemed to benefit hospitality workers, and these gains "have outpaced inflation," CPA Practice Advisor Reports.
Nevada's Most In-Demand Jobs
During Covid-19, the state of Nevada created a "Workforce Blueprint." This would be a resource for civilians to see the most hottest and needed jobs in Southern Nevada.
According to the report, "One of the more crucial impacts has been the destabilization of the region’s leisure and hospitality sector that, while positively recovering from the height of the pandemic, is expected to see sustained and possibly permanent job losses in the tens of thousands."
Due to this, the state -- along with other agencies -- decided to get together and analyze date. This data would help uncover the most in-demand jobs that skilled and technical workers are needed in. Scroll down below to see the top five.
Click here for the entire list and data.
5. Veterinarians
The fifth most in-demand career in Las Vegas with a positive job growth is a veterinarian. From our guess, the growing population in Las Vegas also means an explosion in dogs, cats, etc. Most likely, there hasn't been an equal growth of veterinarian clinics to suffice the need of the exploding population.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics also said that, "Employment of veterinarians is projected to grow 20 percent from 2022 to 2032, much faster than the average for all occupations." So, it seems that getting your foot into the door by working as a vet tech would help this career step. The average wage for a vet is around $119,000, the Bureau of Labor Statistics further reports.
4. Managers, All Other
This one slightly confused us when we saw it on the list. But, once we read the data -- it became more clear.
The data from our state says, "Managers, All Other (11-9199) and General and Operations Managers (11-1021) indicates the business and financial services industry cluster continues to remain a significant focal area of the Southern Nevada regional economy."
The term "Manager and All Others," is actually a classification under the U.S. labor and tax system. The main industries that use this job classification are federal, state and local governments, management of companies and enterprises, management, scientific, and technical consulting services, the U.S. labor data reports.
3. Civil Engineers
Civil engineering is a broad term. But, it usually means that you work with local infrastructures like roads, bridges, dams, etc. Again, the growing population has created a need for this job. As more developers build residential and commercial areas, there will be a need for civil engineers.
On Linkedin, there are a few openings for civil engineers. The growth rate for civil engineers is about 5%, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
2. Software Developers, Systems Software
With the rise of e-commerce, a majority of our digital ecosystem has transferred to be online. This job entails being a quality assurance analysts. Along with that, you often test computer systems and designs, the U.S. labor bureau reports. The 10 year growth is projected to be around 25%, which is a very promising number.
A software developer is constantly listed as one of the "top-earning" jobs in tech. With the need of cloud services, more manufacturing and commerce in Las Vegas, we'll need people who can develop applications and software that can accommodate our needs. If you've ever had a bug in your software then you know how irritating they can be. It often causes the software to act unexpectedly and incorrectly. Software developers are crucial to help ameliorate these problems.
1. Software Developers, Applications
According to, "An application developer creates or writes programs for a particular operating system (i.e, Windows, Mac OS X or UNIX), the web or a device." It's basically similar to the software developing job listed above. It constantly remains as one of the most in-demand jobs across the country.
An application developer usually starts the project, outlines the program's input and output and then codes. Once the developer codes, they often run tests and add the magic finishes, further states.
Larry Martino is the long-time afternoon drive personality on 96.3 KKLZ. The views and opinions expressed in this blog are those of Larry Martino and not necessarily those of Beasley Media Group, LLC. Follow us: Facebook / Twitter / Instagram