It’s been a long week of shows on Aimee+Shawn, but not nearly as long as Shawn’s dad’s drive from Las Vegas back to Boston.
We checked in with Donny T who made it back to Boston safely, but unfortunately was met with a stinky surprise when he walked into his house. Yuck.
Aimee is absolutely baffled by her friend who found it necessary to ask her husband about changing her hair color. She wanted to go from blonde to brunette and thought she should check with the hubs first. Aimee would never… but Shawn appreciates the courtesy.
Shawn was driving out of his subdivision over the weekend and he was met with the most glorious sight: a large metal horse statue – headless – being schlepped on the back of a pickup truck. Whose horse is this and what are they doing with it?! Shawn needs to know.
There is a terrible story in Utah about a woman who wrote a children’s book about handling grief after her husband died. Well… she’s been arrested for his murder and Aimee’s eyes lit up like it was Christmas. Her true crime obsession has really gotten bad.
Shawn wanted to get ahead of the game for Mother’s Day and took one of his sons out to go shopping. A quick trip to go to CVS and grab some cards and… wait. How did Shawn find the one CVS in the world that had no greeting cards. None whatsoever. He also went to a KFC without chicken one time. What is life!?
Speaking of mothers, Happy Mother’s Day to the moms out there! Aimee celebrated her Mother’s Day (observed) doing whatever she wanted. She earned it.
What’s on Aimee+Shawn next week?
Everyone wants to go to Disneyland! All next week, score Family Four Packs of 2 Day, 1 Park Per Day tickets to Disneyland to celebrate 100 Years Of Disney! Plus score tickets to see Ed Sheeran, and a concert that has YET to be announced!