Here’s What You Missed On Aimee+Shawn This Week
It was a week filled with the sickies, the deception and conspiracy on Aimee+Shawn! Alright, that sounds a little dramatic… To start the week, Aimee+Shawn were accused of being “from…

Aimee+Shawn, weekday mornings from 6-10am on 102.7 VGS.
Maryann Russell PhotographyIt was a week filled with the sickies, the deception and conspiracy on Aimee+Shawn! Alright, that sounds a little dramatic...
To start the week, Aimee+Shawn were accused of being "from California" (the biggest insult to locals) for talking about potentially banning cigarettes indoors and whether or not skunks are in Las Vegas. Turns out... there are skunks in Southern Nevada. They are just rare. So, 1 point Aimee+Shawn, 0 points random text grump.
Aimee took Tuesday off for her son Roman's birthday... then the next two days she was out sick. So enter Sammi! Sammi is 102.7 VGS' afternoon host and she has many talents. One of them is fainting whenever she gives blood. It just so happens that on her first day filling in, she was fasting to do just that. Someone catch her!
The one bad thing about having "the videographer" in your family is that someone, somewhere, has damning video of you doing something embarrassing. For Shawn, thankfully, it is all on VHS far away from prying eyes. For Sammi? Unfortunately she's younger, so it's on YouTube. And it's adorable (and hilarious).
Ringling Bros. Circus is coming back to town and it got Shawn thinking about the time where he was dating a girl who was also talking to a clown.
The Rock retweeted Shawn who needlessly groveled on Twitter about buying his energy drink. That began Shawn's quarterly rant that he is convinced Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson would be an outstanding President Of The United States.
What's happening on Aimee+Shawn starting Monday, March 27th?
It's a celebration of 100 Years Of Disney! Win tickets for two straight weeks to go to Disneyland! We have four packs of two day, one park per day tickets! Plus, listen every morning at 8:40 as we give you a special word of the day. Next Friday, read back all nine of the code words in order and you'll get the grand prize... a two night stay at a Disneyland Resort hotel, a four pack of three day, one park a day tickets, and memories that will last a lifetime! Plus we'll have tickets to Madonna! See you then!
Are There SKUNKS In Las Vegas?!
Shawn is CONVINCED he has smelled skunks in Las Vegas, albeit rarely. Someone on the text line decided to challenge Shawn, saying he's obviously not a local. Turns out there ARE skunks in Southern Nevada, and while they are rare they are here. So, take that.
Could Las Vegas Actually BAN Smoking?
For a brief second, smoking was banned at all bars in Nevada. Then, almost as quickly, it was gone. With some properties like Park MGM starting to go "smoke free"... could the city ACTUALLY do it? Could it ban smoking in buildings?
Who Is Your Celebrity HALL PASS?
Both Aimee and Shawn have a list that, while unlikely, should they come across these celebrities, they can have at em. We all know, though, that it's imaginary and if it actually happened their spouses would totally deny their chance.
Your Relationship With Your HAIRDRESSER
Your hairdresser is also your therapist... and when you find a good one you want to hang on forever. But occasionally that hairdresser has the gall to leave you...
Sammi PASSES OUT When She Gives Blood
Sammi was fasting and getting ready to take some blood tests later in the day. Only one problem... as soon as that needle goes it, she goes down.
Getting An AARP Card In Your 20s?! YES! BIG Discounts!
This sounds crazy but it's true. You don't have to be over 50 to be a member of AARP. Now Shawn, many years before he is eligible, is ready to join for some discounts and he thinks everyone should get one... even the kids.
Competing For LOVE With An Actual CLOWN!
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus is coming back! That jogged Shawn's memory of a time where he was competing for the love of a girl who was also talking to an actual clown with Ringling.
Sammi's RAIDERETTES Audition Is Coming Up - And She's GETTING FIT For It
Sammi decided a while back that she wants to try out for the Raiderettes! Awesome! Then, she watched last year's auditions. Now she's doubling down.
ICK! What Are Your Dating ICKS?!
There are some red flags, some tells, some ICKS that, once you see them, you can't get over them. What are the biggest turn-offs when it comes to dating?
Sammi DOES NOT WANT You To Watch This Video!
Videos from your childhood can be damning. Shawn's are thankfully on VHS. Sammi is relatively young, however, and her shame lives on YouTube.
We all roll our eyes at conspiracy theories, but occasionally you hear one that gives you pause, and you believe. What conspiracies do you actually think are true?
Sure, Sammi looks sweet. But she lied straight to a police officer's face to get out of a ticket a couple years ago. And... it worked.
HAIL TO THE ROCK! Shawn got retweeted by the WWE and acting superstar. This ended up getting Shawn back on his political soapbox with his pure and true belief that Dwayne Johnson would be an incredible President of the United States.
Aimee SUCKS At Hide And Seek
Aimee forgot her laptop coming in to work. Well, she didn't. But she did the worst search for it in history.
Our Parents Are TRAGICALLY BAD At Social Media
People younger than Aimee & Shawn know what's up online. People their age? It's a coinflip. People OLDER than them? Forget about it.
Where Is On Your Vacation BUCKET LIST?
There is definitely a sense of adventure in the air post-COVID. Passport applications are at a record pace. Where do you wanna go?