Here’s What You Missed On Aimee+Shawn This Week
It was a fun week on Aimee+Shawn and things kicked off with the legend: Barry Manilow. Aimee was getting people into her special W.I.N.O.S. event to see the music icon…

Aimee+Shawn, weekday mornings from 6-10am on 102.7 VGS.
Maryann Russell PhotographyIt was a fun week on Aimee+Shawn and things kicked off with the legend: Barry Manilow.
Aimee was getting people into her special W.I.N.O.S. event to see the music icon at Westgate Las Vegas, and the station headed out to see him. You know what? Barry is pushing 80 years old, and we are kind of obsessed at how hard he brought it.
Over the weekend, Shawn's son Mario learned what "F.A.F.O." is. He played on the stairs despite being told dozens of times not to. Well, you know what happened next and Shawn thinks each stair taught his kid a valuable lesson.
Years ago, Aimee started talking to a boy over the phone. Her friend was trying to set them up when she was in 6th grade. After hours of talking she couldn't wait to meet him. Once she did, she couldn't wait to leave. Does this make her a bad person?
Shawn's wife really wants to go to an Easter egg hunt event with the kids this year. Problem is... the event she wanted to go to is run by Shawn's old station. He put the kibosh on that right away. Not to mention Aimee and Shawn both agree that these events are absolutely terrible and you put your kid's life at risk every time.
They are changing the lyrics to "Kiss The Girl" for the live action The Little Mermaid remake. This is Aimee's favorite movie, and her favorite song from the movie. Why is this song being considered so troublesome now?!
What's up next week on Aimee+Shawn?
We've got more tickets to check out Kelly Clarkson at Bakkt Theater at Planet Hollywood PLUS one grand prize winner will get flown to Los Angeles to see Kelly tape her daytime TV show live! Plus tickets to 3 Doors Down... and a shot at $1000 Stimmy Checks!
Barry Manilow Show At Westgate Proves He Is Still A Sex God
We partied with Aimee for her latest W.I.N.O.S. event at Westgate Las Vegas to see the legendary Barry Manilow, and you know what, guy still has it!
F Around And Find Out
Shawn's son Mario has been told several times to stop playing on the stairs. Well... he just learned why.
When Your Spouse Watches The Next Episode Without You
It is an act of deception that may never be forgiven. When you and your mate start watching a show together, but one of them continues watching without you. Aimee's hubby just did this and she's PISSED.
April Fools Stories We Wish Were True
The super popular Instagram account Viral Vegas hit us with a bunch of fake news stories for April 1st... and while some of them were silly, we wish some of them were real.
When You Hear People DOG YOU or What You Do For A Living
Shawn just wanted to watch a movie, but someone in the theater started slamming something he did for a living for over a decade.
Aimee FELL IN LOVE On The Phone... Fell OUT OF LOVE In Person
Love is a fickle thing. Sure, you could connect with someone mentally, but if you aren't feeling it physically does that make you a monster?
Getting Work Done... And Getting JUDGED For It
Aimee noticed Justin Timberlake's face was looking a little puffy. We think he might have gotten some work done NOT THAT THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT!
Secret Instagram Accounts Showing FIGHTS At Las Vegas Schools
First rule of Scum Bucket Club... tell everyone about Scum Bucket Club.
Waking Up LATE And The PANIC That Ensues
Shawn made it to work on time. He just had to skip, you know, showering.
If you listen to the radio, watch TV or pass billboards in Las Vegas, you know how big lawyer ads are here. A new lawyer has entered the arena with a banger.
Aimee really wanted to go on a whale watch. Her Greek God of a military vet husband is all kinds of nope about it.
Why Movie Critics SUCK And Movie Audiences RULE
The reviews are in for "The Super Mario Bros. Movie" and critics are widely panning it. But the fans love it. Why do we let movie critics try to snob us out of the theater?!
Aimee picks her battles... and this is one she's PICKED. She hates the way her husband loads the dishwasher. He hates how she does it. Now it's a kitchen war.
The Lyrics Are CHANGING To "Kiss The Girl" From "The Little Mermaid"... AND WE HATE IT
We believe in the concept of "consent" and raise our kids accordingly. But how the heck has it gotten to this?!
Easter Egg Hunt Events Are DANGEROUS And We AVOID THEM
Both Aimee and Shawn have fallen victim to the Easter Egg Hunt event. Swarms of oaf adults knocking over children so their kid gets a plastic egg with a tiny bag of "Whoppers" inside. Is it worth it? No. It's not.
Shawn Recalls His CHILDHOOD BULLY And When He Finally Fought Back
A story about two councilwomen fighting at Las Vegas City Hall jogged Shawn's memory about his childhood bully. There's a lot of hurt there, obvi.
Shawn GENUINELY believes he could land a plane in an emergency, or do a decent job in the "big leagues". Is he nuts?
Folex Cleaner SAVED Aimee's Marriage - And Her New Couch
When Aimee spilled red wine on her brand new beige couch, she was mortified. She found a product that cleaned it and now she won't shut up about it.
Aimee Got An Oil Change... And An Attitude
Aim's about to hit the road with the fam for Easter, and before they do she wanted an oil change. The call to let her know her car was ready was... to say the least... a bit aggressive.