
Top Ten Most Hated Christmas Songs

Ah, Christmas music. It signals the start of the holiday season, but it can also be a source of stress for many people. On one hand, it can evoke positive…

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Michael Loccisano via Getty Images

Ah, Christmas music. It signals the start of the holiday season, but it can also be a source of stress for many people. On one hand, it can evoke positive emotions and memories of years past. On the other hand, hearing those holiday tunes can leave some feeling overwhelmed and anxious. What's going on here? Let's take a closer look at how Christmas music affects us psychologically.

The Power Of Music:

It's no secret that music has a powerful effect on our minds and bodies. Studies have shown that listening to certain types of music can reduce anxiety levels, boost moods, and even improve focus during physical tasks. And there's something special about holiday songs; they bring back happy memories from childhood or earlier days with family and friends. For many people, this is why they look forward to the arrival of Christmas music every year—it brings with it a sense of comfort and nostalgia that is hard to find any other time of year.

The Downside Of The Holiday Soundtrack:

While Christmas music may make us feel good in some ways, it can also be stressful for others. Clinical psychologist Linda Blair explains that when people hear a trigger or cue (like a song), it can remind them of things they need to do or have lost—which in turn creates pressure and causes them to feel bad. This could explain why some people feel overwhelmed when they hear holiday music playing in public places like shopping malls or on the radio while driving around town; they're reminded of all the tasks they need to accomplish before Christmas arrives!

Another factor in this phenomenon is exposure; if you're exposed to too much Christmas music all at once (especially repetitive versions) then you may begin feeling overwhelmed as well. Some experts recommend listening to holiday songs in moderation; don't overload yourself with festive tunes or else you may end up feeling more stressed than merry!

Christmas music may bring back fond memories for some and trigger feelings of stress for others—but either way, we should appreciate its power over our minds and emotions! Whether you love or hate these seasonal melodies, there's no denying their ability to make us smile—or worry—all at once.

Below are the top 10 most hated Christmas songs. For the record... I LOVE Christmas music.

1) "The Little Drummer Boy"

2) “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”

3) “Mary Did You Know”

4) “Baby, It’s Cold Outside”

5) "All I Want For Christmas Is You"

6) “Last Christmas”

7) “Wonderful Christmastime”

8) “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus”

9) “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer”

10) “Santa Baby”

Aimee Thomas is the morning show co-host of Aimee + Shawn on 102.7 VGS. She has been VGS since the birth of the station in 2022 and has been with Beasley Media Group for nine years doing mornings at various stations in the cluster. Before working in radio Aimee was a bartender at a local restaurant in Las Vegas when a local radio veteran thought she would be perfect in radio because of her crazy stories, knowledge of pop culture, and contagious laugh. Aimee loves writing about new recipes she creates in her kitchen, her favorite artists and actors, and being a mom of two boys.