Get Ready To Pay Big Bucks For The Super Bowl!
If you are planning to head to Arizona to watch the Super Bowl get ready to pay big bucks. According to Bloomberg News, businesses are jacking up their prices in anticipation of the big game. For example, a simple Motel 8 room is going for $450 per night when it usually costs just $77 a night. That’s almost a 500% increase!
Price Gouging From Hotels and Restaurants:
Hotels are taking advantage of visitors desperate for accommodations during Super Bowl week. In some cases, prices have reportedly risen by as much as 1,000 percent from pre-Super Bowl rates. You could be paying 10 times the normal rate to stay in Phoenix next weekend! Not surprisingly, restaurants are also getting into the action. Most restaurants near the stadium will be raising their prices by 20-50%, with some even doubling their menu items ahead of the big game! Clearly, all this price gouging is great news for business owners who stand to make huge profits over the next week or so—but it’s not so great for locals or people visiting who are simply trying to support their team during the biggest game of the year.
But there may be a silver lining here.
While many businesses are jacking up their prices ahead of Super Bowl Sunday, not everyone is following suit. In fact, some locals have decided to offer discounts instead! A few hotels have pledged that they won’t raise prices throughout Super Bowl Week which is great news for those who haven’t been able to find affordable rooms yet. And local restaurants like Waffle House and Chipotle have promised to keep their prices steady so that both visitors and locals can enjoy a bite with friends without breaking the bank!
So if you’re looking for an affordable way to partake in all the festivities leading up to Super Bowl Sunday stay home!
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