Vive La France! Paris Las Vegas Annexing Horseshoe Hotel Tower
There’s a bit of a French Revolution happening on the Las Vegas Strip. Paris Las Vegas is expanding its hotel territory and taking over part of the Horseshoe while they…

There's a bit of a French Revolution happening on the Las Vegas Strip. Paris Las Vegas is expanding its hotel territory and taking over part of the Horseshoe while they are at it!

Caesars Entertainment announced Monday that the Jubilee Tower at Horseshoe Las Vegas will be changing hands to its sister property to the south and becoming Paris Las Vegas' new Versailles hotel tower. The casino giant plans on sinking in over $100 million in improvements to the property that will feature gorgeous new rooms.

In order to make the marriage happen, a new pedestrian bridge will be built to link the new (old) tower with the rest of the Paris Las Vegas property. The exterior will be transformed to fit the Paris aesthetic as well.
The tower in question has a lot of history. Originally the MGM Grand, the property opened to the public in 1973. Seven years later, it would be the scene of one of the deadliest high-rise fires in American history. The property soon became Bally's Las Vegas, which became complicated once Bally's got out of the property and inevitably became the company that owned Tropicana down the street. Caesars rebranded Bally's as Horseshoe, and the rest is history.
When can you expect the rooms to be complete on this new Paris Las Vegas hotel tower?
Now we know it's happening... so when will it be ready? Caesars is saying they expect to have the rooms remodeled by the end of 2023, with a pedestrian footbridge linking the hotel with the rest of the property by early next year.
Just beware, Las Vegas. This is how Napoleon got started. Cromwell, you could be next.
Listen to Aimee+Shawn weekday mornings from 6-10 on 102.7 VGS
‘The ARCADE’ Opens At Bally’s Las Vegas, Features Over 80 Games
Put your game face on, and get ready for some serious fun!
The ARCADE has officially opened at Bally's (currently being rebranded into Horseshoe Las Vegas), and if you're looking for a new place to take your family and friends for some fun and excitement, this brand new arcade on the Las Vegas Strip is definitely worth checking out. There are over 80 games to choose from, which makes this attraction perfect for any group outing - there's something for everyone!
According to Fox 5, The ARCADE is located on the first level of Bally's near the food court. It is open Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. and Friday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to midnight. Perfect for early morning adventures with the kiddos and late-night date nights with a significant other. A re-loadable card is used to play games rather than cash, and points are accumulated on the card instead of the dispersion of physical tickets. I love it... SO much easier to keep track of. One key element remains the same though... racking up those prizes at the very end! That's always my favorite part.
An even greater selling point for some... Fox 5 also reports that Caesars Entertainment has said that "the area will feature a bar, which is expected to open in the coming weeks, that will serve a selection of bottled and draft beer, cocktails and wine." Cheers!
Incredible Variety of Old vs. New
With over 7,000-square-feet filled with more than 80 games for arcade-goers to enjoy, The ARCADE features many classic favorites, as well as several newcomers created with next-level technology. With such a mixture, it's virtually impossible to not have the time of your life. Whether you have a competitive itch that needs scratched, or you're just trying to have a fun, chill night, The ARCADE can accommodate your every wish and need. The mix of old versus new is spectacular.
Here are just a few of the games you can expect to see in The ARCADE at Bally's:

Who doesn't love this timeless classic? It's one of my favorite arcade games and truly an arcade necessity. Arcade-goers have been enjoying this game for well over 100 years. You get to roll a ball up a ramp and try to get it in a hole... Perfect for those who possess a competitive edge (cough cough ME). So much fun!
Multiplayer Virtual Reality

Virtual reality has taken the 21st century by storm. According to Fox 5, The ARCADE "features virtual reality with games like “King Kong” and “Mission Impossible,” a four-player interactive gaming experience." The best part... VR feels so real! It's so cool that this technology has made it's way to the arcade floor for all to experience.
Rock The Rim

Shootin' hoops in the arcade is always a blast, especially when you're going up against a pal. Rock The Rim takes it to the next level with full HD video backboards that incorporates additional games into the original concept. These different games are controlled by the baskets you make. It's super cool, but honestly, I'm just a huge fan of the funky colors, flashy lights, and graffitied basketballs.
Supersized Claw Machines

It doesn't matter where I am or what I'm doing. If I see one of these bad boys, my hand automatically goes for my wallet and I put a dollar in. I think I'm addicted to the thrill of the experience. The ARCADE features a Big One Extreme, aka a ginormous version of the classic claw machine... Just take my wallet.
Air Hockey

Perhaps the most competitive classic of all time... An arcade would be amiss without the piercing, repetitive clank of a plastic puck smacking the sides of an air hockey table. For over 50 years, this game has been causing fights and evoking aggression out of those who choose to participate. Nonetheless, it's undeniable that air hockey is a classic fan favorite and will remain so for years to come.
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Listen to Sammi Reeves weekday afternoons from 3-7 on 102.7 VGS
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