Cat Saved From Certain Doom By Nevada State Police Trooper
It has been said that cats have nine lives. It’s also pretty certain that all nine lives end under a car tire. That’s probably what was running through the mind…

It has been said that cats have nine lives. It's also pretty certain that all nine lives end under a car tire. That's probably what was running through the mind of a Nevada State Police trooper who saved a cat on a valley onramp last week.
It happened last week on the on-ramp from Eastern to US95. The video shows Trooper Estrada jumping into action after receiving a call that an animal was spotted on the on-ramp. Luckily she was posted nearby and was on the scene within seconds.
What followed was a stressful game of "catch the kitty". Trooper Estrada, with claw-deterrent gloves on-hand, attempted to scoop up the kitten. But the kitten bolted as though it was an episode of Cops and it had warrants.
Trooper Estrada went on a short pursuit of the kitty who found that it was surrounded with nowhere to go. The trooper got the kitty in hand! She reassured the scared feline by saying "I got you" as she walked back to the cruiser.
Once back in the cruiser, the kitty without a cause once again tried to flee... behind the glove box of the cruiser. That's when another member of the Nevada State Police did his damnedest and was able to coax the gray kitten out from behind it.
The cat, saved by the Nevada State Police, got a happy ending
The cat, lovingly named by the force as "Trooper Kitty" has since been adopted by a lovely family, but not before encouraging people to join the force. Probably a part of the cat's probation for running from the law.
We are happy to see this kitty get a happy ending and for good deeds to get the recognition they deserve. Cats, man. Why do they do this to us?!
Listen to Aimee+Shawn weekday mornings from 6-10 on 102.7 VGS
Top Dog And Cat Names In America: How To Choose The Perfect Name For Your Pet!
Naming your "baby" is a huge responsibility. This is the name you're going to shout down the street. The name the doctor will read from their clipboard. Your little one's identity for life. We are, of course, talking about your pet. Yeah, sure, your human kids too.
When it comes to naming our human babies, the first stop is the Social Security Administration's popular baby names website. Simply go there, see the top names. Maybe you want a trendy one, maybe you're looking for something off the beaten path. We chose "Mario" for our second boy because it's a well-known, but not very popular name anymore (348th most popular name, down from 167th). But when it comes to pet names, it can be a bit trickier.
Pet sitter website has released its list of the most popular dog names and cat names. They used their own user database to come up with the list, so while this isn't the end-all-be-all, we know that pet owners that have people look after their pets so they don't get bored use these names.
Where do these names come from?
There are some "name of the moment" dog names on the list, like Mirabel which is definitely inspired by Disney's Encanto. There's also Fezco which is the name of the lead character in the hit HBO show Euphoria. Cats get their own trendy names like "Hella" (west coast cats only, we assume) and "Yoongi" which is the name of one of the guys from BTS. BTS Army doesn't play, they even have cats fighting in it.
This year is the year of "Luna". Sure, there have been a bunch of Luna pets out there for years. But this is the first year Luna topped the list of female dog names. It also tops the list of female cat names. So. Many. Lunas.
So whether you are looking for a name that is keeping up with the times, or looking to avoid the most popular names so your friends don't think you're "basic," you've found the list to help you name your furry friend.
Most Common Dog Names - Male
Most Common Dog Names - Female
Most Common Cat Names - Male
Most Common Cat Names - Female
Here’s What You Missed On Aimee+Shawn This Week
It was a magical week on Aimee+Shawn! Shawn just got back from a work trip to Disneyland (tough gig right?) and has some stories from his adventure. Especially from before he even took off for Anaheim.
Aimee got her nails done over the weekend and brought her son Roman and his cousin Bruin along for the trip. Turns out there was an incident that happened during the trip that could result in the entire family going to Buddhist hell.
Before Shawn left for the trip, he played some poker at South Point. He ended up winning a hand by bluffing a lovely elderly woman. He showed his terrible hand to the woman, and then immediately felt regret. He gave the chips back. Which helps us realize why he's so bad at the game. When he's good, he feels bad?!
Aimee just wanted to be a good wife and let her husband have a guys weekend for Father's Day. So why does Patrick think Aimee is trying to trick him?
Here at 102.7 VGS, we deal with long Zoom meetings that could have been an email. One in particular left a sour taste in Aimee and Shawn's mouths when a meeting that was already overtime was extended after someone on the call shared a "funny story". We all know one. We. All. Know. One.
It's been a bit of an Urgent Care at Aimee's house lately. This time it's her son Jayden who's been out of it, not playing video games, sleeping for hours on end. What'd she do? Did she call a doctor? Not before she became one on Google.
What's happening on Aimee+Shawn next week?
The show (and the station) are nearing our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY! Can you believe it?! We are getting ready to party, and we want to invite you all week long, along with a special performance!
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Shawn Bluffed Elderly Woman In Poker, Gave Chips Back
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Zoom Meetings That Go Entirely Too Long
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Doctors Hate When You Google Your Symptoms
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Embarrassing Yourself In Front Of A Crowd
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It's Not What You Say It's How You Say It
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That Moment Your Kid Made You Proud
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