There Will Be A Fake Accident At Harry Reid Airport Thursday
There is always that morbid curiosity that we have when we see smoke coming from somewhere. Did a fake palm tree catch fire at The Cosmopolitan again? Did someone’s engine…

There’ll be a fake accident at Harry Reid for training on Thursday. So don’t freak out.
porpeller via iStock/Getty Images PlusThere is always that morbid curiosity that we have when we see smoke coming from somewhere. Did a fake palm tree catch fire at The Cosmopolitan again? Did someone's engine explode on Interstate 15? Well when you see smoke in the neighborhood of an airport, you're bound to freak. But rest assured, it'll be a fake accident at Harry Reid on Thursday.
Fake Accident At Harry Reid Airport To Test Staff Readiness
Just like a midterm and a final, the staff at Harry Reid International Airport are about to get their test to make sure they have been paying attention in all of those training sessions they've gotten.
The fake accident at Harry Reid Airport is coming by way of the Federal Aviation Administration. It'll be taking place Thursday, September 12th from 7:30am to 1:30pm and will be testing all systems and staff. The fake accident is very real in terms of theatrics. There'll be pyro, there'll be smoke, there'll be fake victims (that are real people).
The event is part of what is called a "Triennial Emergency Preparedness Exercise" and will be testing the readiness of first responders, airport staff and others to make she that, heaven forbid something terrible did go down, we can handle it.
It's also, you know, required for FAA certification. Which is kind of important when you have over 57 million people coming through the airport for fun or just a connection.
Great But What Will This Mean For My Flight On Thursday?
While you're probably very happy for the folks at LAS getting tested, you are probably more curious if this fake accident at Harry Reid International Airport will become a real pain in your neck for your Thursday morning flight?
The answer is no. Normal airport operations will not be affected by the fake accident at Harry Reid. So, rest assured your 2 hour delay will just be due to the fact that flying is pain.
Wait, Who? The ‘Other’ Airlines With Direct Flights To Las Vegas
If you've driven to the drop-off area of Harry Reid International Airport, you'll see the names of several of the "usual suspects". Delta Air Lines, American Airlines, Southwest Airlines and on and on. But then you'll start to see the other airlines that fly direct to Las Vegas.
Avelo? Advanced? Breeze? Who ARE these airlines? Should you be flying them? Well... we are getting to the bottom of these off-brand airlines and figuring out where they go direct and whether they are worth flying or not.
One of the "Other" Airlines with direct Las Vegas flights is based in Las Vegas...
Allegiant Air is an airline on the cusp. If you don't live in Las Vegas or a small market they service, chances are you wouldn't know who they are. In fact, if it wasn't for the Las Vegas Raiders home, Allegiant Stadium, many people may never have heard of the airline at all.
The locally based discount carrier uses LAS as a hub and has several direct flights to many destinations, although many of them are secondary markets that might not get serviced by other airlines. Those direct markets include...
There are a slew of other alternate airlines as well... we'll go down the list of ones you may not have heard of before. Who knows, we could save you a buck!
Advanced Air
If you are trying to fly to Merced Regional Airport in Merced, California, you've found your airline. The airline has one direct flight from Las Vegas and it is to this city of nearly 90,000 between Fresno and Modesto. They fly other places too, with Los Angeles and Phoenix serving as their home bases.
Avelo Airlines
Avelo Airlines has a connection to Nevada - Elko in particular. They started flying in 1989 as Casino Express Airlines flying from Elko to Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington. In 2018, the company was acquired (then going by Xtra) and turned into Avelo.
They have several west coast destinations out of Los Angeles, but interestingly the airline does not fly from Las Vegas to Los Angeles. Probably too much competition. Instead, they fly direct from Las Vegas to these bustling metropolises.
Breeze Airways
This relatively new carrier has the ability to "blow up" (in a good way). It was founded by the same guy that co-founded big players like JetBlue and WestJet. They have several cities they are focusing their attention on from Hartford, Connecticut to Provo, Utah. The list of direct flights to and from Las Vegas is impressive, though, and they might be a good option if you're going to a medium sized metro area.
Canada Jetlines
There are a lot of Canadian carriers, including WestJet (which is not on this list but is still unfamiliar to some). But Canada Jetlines? They've been around for aboot a decade and if you're looking for a direct flight from Las Vegas to Toronto, Ontario, Canada (YYZ) then you've got your airline.
Copa Airlines
Stop. Stop singing Barry Manilow. You know you are. So predictable.
Alas, Copa Airlines flies direct from Las Vegas to Panama City, Panama (PTY). That's it, but frankly, that destination is always in fashion.
Edelweiss is a sister of Swiss International Air Lines. If you want to visit Zurich, Switzerland, Edelweiss Air. If you want to fly literally anywhere else, they aren't it.
Flair Airlines
Another low cost carrier out of Canada, Flair Airlines flies direct to nearly all of Canada's largest major cities:
Sorry, Montreal.
Lynx Air
Truly never heard of Lynx Air. The only Lynx we know is the animal, and the old Game Gear competitor from Atari.
Needless to say, if you want to catch a Flames game, head to Calgary direct. Nothing else from here.
Northern Pacific Airways
This airline is so new, they haven't even begun flights yet. That starts on July 14th. That said, the Northern Pacific Airways is going to have one flight on the books to start: Las Vegas to Ontario, California. (They are saying "Los Angeles" but LA is about 40 miles away). That said, they have plans to fly to Tokyo, Osaka, Seoul, Orlando and more. Starting small.
Red Way
How do you get to Lincoln, Nebraska direct from Las Vegas? Red Way! No way!? Yes way! But don't go looking for a "Red Way" plane. The planes all say Global Crossing. Why? Maybe they can explain, but we sure can't. They should rename the airline "Catfish Airways".
Is it an "airway" or an "airline"? Nope. It's just Swoop. Arguably the coolest airline name ever. They have three direct flights, all to Canadian destinations.
Volaris has been in the game since 2006, and unlike many on the list they take us south of the border. The airline has direct flights from Las Vegas to Guadalajara and Mexico City, Mexico.