
DA To CCSD Board Trustee Katie Williams: Time’s Up

There are far too many large issues with the Clark County School District, and it is the responsibility of the Board Of Trustees to oversee the district, the search for…

school bell ccsd board trustee katie williams

The bell tolls for CCSD Board Trustee Katie Williams who is facing the music for allegedly serving while not a resident of the state.

AntonioSolano via iStock/Getty Images Plus

There are far too many large issues with the Clark County School District, and it is the responsibility of the Board Of Trustees to oversee the district, the search for a new Superintendent of Schools and the like. CCSD Board Trustee Katie Williams has been overseeing things from out of state, and now District Attorney Steve Wolfson is forcing her out.

Last week, the district attorney's office released a statement saying their office had investigated and found that CCSD Board Trustee Katie Williams not only didn't live in District B, which she was elected to serve, but not even in the state. They gave Katie an ultimatum: either vacate the seat or we'll have it vacated for you.

CCSD Board Trustee Katie Williams Sees Deadline Come And Go

Monday, September 9th was the deadline. It came and went and we didn't hear a peep. Well it turns out CCSD Board Trustee Katie Williams got some extra time to hand in her assignment.

"For the news reporters," Williams began. Probably should be for the citizens in her District as well. "The DA's office has extended the date for my response given new information. Thank you DA Wolfson for your flexibility."

Maybe she has evidence that she doesn't, in fact, live in Nebraska working for a law firm. Extra time is on the clock! Revelations will be found!

Revelations Were Not Found, The DA Is Over It

Oops. Nevermind then.

In an incorrectly dated news release (sorry Monica Gutierrez, we caught ya), the District Attorney's office said enough is enough.

"Today, the Clark County District Attorney's office filed a petition to declare vacant the office of District B Trustee of the Clark County Board Of Trustees," the statement reads. They found enough evidence and gave enough time to call it.

CCSD Board Trustee Katie Williams time as the District B representative from the great state of Nebraska is coming to an end. Now to go back to prior votes and see what major issues she illegally voted on. This could be a major issue in the weeks and months to come, opening the door for major legal issues.

Shawn Tempesta is the co-host of Aimee+Shawn on 102.7 VGS in Las Vegas, Nevada. He is also an Emmy award nominated television host. As a content creator for 102.7 VGS, Shawn writes about current events, education, funny and trending stories.