Shakira Talks Super Bowl Plans, Calls It ‘Nerve-Wracking’
Shakira is giving fans a sneak peek on what to expect from her upcoming half-time show with Jennifer Lopez during the Super Bowl. She recently did an interview and explained that she is constantly thinking of ideas for the performance. “The wheels are already turning and I can’t stop thinking of ideas. Every day, I have a new idea so now it’s a matter of making them all work together and having the time to consolidate all of that and present the best show of my career.”
She adds, “It’s gonna be very short, therefore very nerve-wracking.”
Shakira also discusses how the show is going to be a great representation of the Latin community. “I feel that I’m representing another part of the Latin world, which is all those people around the globe who barely speaking English and a huge portion of the demographic what also arrived in the U.S. with the American dream.”
She lastly talks about how the show will be on her 43rd birthday. “It’s a sports event but it has a huge relevance for us artists and I think it’s gonna be fantastic and I’m gonna be celebrating my birthday with 100 million people. Just a small party, it’s surreal, actually.”
The Super Bowl will be on February 2.