
Casket Stolen In Las Vegas (Yes With A Body)

If you have ever had to buy a casket, you know it it can feel like highway robbery. It is like the last tax you pay before they bury you….

woman mourning aside a casket stolen in las vegas

Holy heavens. A casket stolen in Las Vegas with a body still inside has us baffled.

shironosov via iStock/Getty Images Plus

If you have ever had to buy a casket, you know it it can feel like highway robbery. It is like the last tax you pay before they bury you. They can be expensive! Maybe that is why the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department says there was a casket stolen in Las Vegas that, yes, had a body inside.

47 year old Patricia Sierra is being IDed by Metro as the alleged bereave thief. Sure, while stealing a casket would have you facing a lot of charges, stealing a dead body? That'll cost you.

Metro says the body of a woman named Maria Ramirez was in the casket at Affordable Cremation & Burial Service on West Charleston Boulevard. That was when Sierra allegedly broke into the venue and stole the the casket (and the body) the day after her final viewing took place.

Why Would Someone Decide To Steal A Casket?

Great question, and a question that the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department would like the answer to. The casket stolen in Las Vegas has police confounded, leaving them to ask the alleged thief.

She said that she was so drunk from drinking six beers that she doesn't remember why she took the casket. We are more interested in knowing how she took the casket? They aren't necessarily small.

Sierra is facing a slew of different charges, with removing, transferring or disturbing human remains being one of the most serious. She's also being tried for the obvious, robbery of the casket.

How Much Do Caskets Cost?

The cost of caskets will blow your mind. Depending on the size, material, color and more, a casket can run you anywhere from $2000-5000. It is one of those "money making" line items that you'll come across at any funeral home. They make their money on things like this.

But it is worth noting you don't need to buy the casket (or steal one) from the funeral home. As a matter of fact, they can't deny you access to their venue for bringing your own casket or urn.

As a matter of fact, there are a ton of wholesale options out there, including from Amazon. Alexa, buy me a coffin.

Nevada Has Some of the Deadliest Lakes in the U.S.

In Nevada, we're blessed to have some beautiful areas, including some areas near water. Last weekend, I went to visit my uncle, who lives off a lake. It was a great time, even though it was pretty cold outside. Still, sitting along the lake and watching the ripples and currents was such a peaceful experience. But, I got to thinking, how dangerous are lakes across America? As it turns out, Nevada has some of the deadliest lakes in all of America.

Before we get to our state, let's look at another state that has lots of lakes: Michigan. According to the Great Lakes Surf Rescue Project, 15 people have already died in the Great Lakes in 2023. Think about the fact that the season hasn't even started yet, and that's pretty incredible. A total of 108 people drowned in the Great Lakes in 2022. Also, a whopping 1,170 people have died in the Great Lakes since 2010. It's a reminder to stay safe out there and take precautions when the waters get rough.

My Michigan Beach has some simple tips to stay safe in the water this year. They say to, "Never swim alone; swim with lifeguards and/or water watchers present. Wear a U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket appropriate for your weight and size and the water activity. Always wear a life jacket while boating, regardless of swimming skill.
Swim sober." My Michigan Beach also notes that the Great Lakes are freshwater seas, meaning, "the water can change quickly." Find more tips on how to stay safe on the beach this summer here.

Nevada Has Some of the Deadliest Lakes in America

Read on for the deadliest lakes in all of America, including some which are right here. Have you visited any of the lakes below? Reach out to us on social media and let us know.

Lake Lanier in Georgia

According to USA By the Numbers, Lake Lanier in Georgia is one of the deadliest lakes in America and the deadliest in Georgia. They note that some believe, "Lake Lanier's murky waters, a bottom littered with tree trunks and other debris, and an abrupt drop in the lake’s floor make it unsafe for swimmers."

Mono Lake in California and on the edge of the Sierra Nevada

According to AZ Animals, the Mono Lake is a dangerous one. They state, "Located in California, it is set towards the east and at the edge of Sierra Nevada." They add that the fact the lake isn’t connected to any other body of water makes it so that "when chemicals get into the lake, they do not flow out but stay there and pollute the water. Sadly, the lake has built up an alarming concentration of arsenic. The water is now poisonous and toxic to humans and animals."

Lake Mead in Nevada and Arizona

Lake Mead is a reservoir formed by the Hoover Dam on the Colorado River. It's located in Nevada and Arizona, and it's just east of Las Vegas. It's dangerous, though. According to Wilk Jeffery’s “Wilks Journal of Travel Medicine,” the most international visitor fatalities has been recorded at Lake Mead. Many of these are drownings or car crashes.

Lake Erie in Michigan and Ohio

Even though Lake Erie is the smallest of the Great Lakes, it's very dangerous. According to the Great Lakes Surf Rescue Project, six people have already died in Lake Erie this year. That's even more than Lake Michigan! The reason Lake Erie is dangerous is because it's the shallowest of the Great Lakes, so it can warm and cool faster than other lakes, which can lead to volatile waters and also a major annual algae bloom in the middle of the lake.

Lake Michigan in Michigan and Illinois - This is the No. 1 most dangerous lake in all of America

Multiple sources list Lake Michigan as the deadliest lake in all of the U.S. AZ Animals has the lake listed at No. 1, as does Pond Informer and USA By the Numbers. According to the Great Lakes Surf Rescue Project, five people have already died in Lake Michigan this year.

What about shipwrecks?

According to AZ Animals, Lake Erie has been home to the most shipwrecks in the U.S. That's creepy! "There are famous tales of shipwrecks on other Great Lakes, such as the haunting true story and song of the SS Edmund Fitzgerald on Lake Superior," they state. "But, it is Lake Erie whose icy, cold waters hold the remains of the most shipwrecks – with estimates of 500 – 2,000 wrecks. It is believed to have a greater density of shipwrecks than virtually anywhere in the world – even the Bermuda Triangle."

Shawn Tempesta is the co-host of Aimee+Shawn on 102.7 VGS in Las Vegas, Nevada. He is also an Emmy award nominated television host. As a content creator for 102.7 VGS, Shawn writes about current events, education, funny and trending stories.