What Did Aimee’s Mom Return To Lowes
I read an article the other day about some big retail stores essentially paying you to keep the items you intended to return because they just don’t have the space to store the products they have. It would cost them more to store the items than to give you back your money.
I am the worst at returning things I don’t need or want. It will just sit in my closet or eventually get thrown out. It’s bad. My mom on the other hand is the QUEEN of returning. She can return anything it’s her special skill… among other things of course.
My mom has been returning plants to Lowes and even maybe Star Nursery for YEARS… Dead plants Y’all!!! They will allow you to return plants if they die within a full year with a receipt and you bet your boots that mom saves those receipts! I am sure customer service probably thinks in their head ‘ma’am when you bought the plant it was most definitely alive.‘ Whatever the case, mom is savage. She also returned a toothbrush that she bought at Costco that broke after THREE YEARS of use… they gave her a new one. Mom returns already lit candles to Bath and Body Works if they don’t smell good or don’t burn correctly. I’m not mad, I’m proud!
I guess there are just two people in the world the returners and the lazy people. I bought a pair of boots to wear for New Years’ Eve one time and before I even took them out of the box the heal fell off and I didn’t even return those. I wish I was more like mom. Be like mom, don’t be like me. Get your money’s worth!
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