Survey: Las Vegas Procrastinates Going To The Dentist The Most
Every six months, you invite someone into your mouth to poke, prod, scrape, scale and floss your chompers so your smile can be in tip top shape. Or, at least, you should. Turns out Vegas is no big fan of going.
A survey from finds that Las Vegas, more than any other city, puts off going to see the dentist the most. Yet another list we don’t want to top.
Top Dental Procrastination Cities according to
- Las Vegas, Nevada
- Miami, Florida
- Atlanta, Georgia
- Arlington, Texas
- Minneapolis, Minnesota
It’s worth noting we aren’t afraid to go (we don’t make the top 20 on that list)… we just don’t want to.
They also found that 70 percent of people dislike going to the dentist at all, with over 60 percent purposefully putting off their next appointment. Dental anxiety is a real thing that affects approximately 36% of Americans according research published with the National Library Of Medicine.
A new survey from Wake Up Sleepy Head finds that while 63 percent of those surveyed brush their teeth every night before bed, 1 in 10 don’t brush their teeth before bed at all. That might make you grossed out (at least 63% of you)… but as long as they do it in the morning, crisis averted.
The pandemic certainly plays a role in the avoidance of the dentist. Back to the survey from July, 30 percent said they haven’t been to the dentist since the pandemic started. A lot of people put off getting needed procedures done throughout the pandemic. It’s been a serious issue! But, for the sake of everyone within 6 feet of you, could you consider it? Not that we could smell your breath coming but… just… think about it.
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