“Free the Nipple” on Instagram – What Does it Mean?
If you’ve been on social media lately, you’ve surely heard of the hashtag “#freethenipple.” But what does this really mean in the context of Instagram? And why is it such a big deal?
Recently, Instagram’s Oversight Board recommended that the platform should lift its ban on bare breasts, citing that it violates ‘human rights’ of women, transgender, and non-binary people. If you are a little lost let’s catch you up.
The Background Story:
A couple posed topless but covered their nipples to raise awareness around top surgery. When they posted the pics to Instagram, they were removed due to nudity violations. They then took their case to Facebook’s Oversight Board. It was eventually ruled that “the removal violated freedom of expression and discriminated against gender identity”. The board criticized Instagram for having a policy based on “binary view of gender” which made rules about baring nipples unclear for those who do not identify as women.
In response to this ruling, Facebook has called for an overhaul of its policies related to nudity and gender identity in order for them to become more “inclusive and less rigidly gendered”.
Now, this doesn’t mean we all take our shirts off and post nude all over social media. But this has set a precedent not just for Instagram but other social media platforms as well. It speaks volumes about changing attitudes towards nudity and gender identity over time. This decision may even have an impact beyond social media platforms, inspiring other organizations to reassess their own policies in order to become more progressive and forward-thinking when it comes to gender identity issues.
All in all, while there is still much progress that needs to be made when it comes to gender identity issues both online and off, this ruling serves as an important step forward. With any luck, we will continue seeing positive steps taken by organizations across industries. It’s nice to see people making sure that everyone feels seen and respected regardless of their gender identity or orientation.
So as they say #freethenipple!
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