Get Paid To Taste Test Margaritas In Las Vegas
Do you love margaritas? What if you could get paid to drink them? You’re going to want to hear about an exciting job opportunity. is looking for a Margarita Tester and will pay $4,000 for the week-long gig here in Vegas. Now, who wouldn’t want to spend a week sipping and rating margaritas? I mean you don’t even have to pay me just pick up my tab!
This may sound too good to be true but it’s not!
The job ad from specifies the criteria that the Margarita Tester will rate the drinks on:
- Taste
- Presentation
- Quality of Ingredients
- Setting an Atmosphere
- Overall Experience
Sound like a gig for you? The competition closed on October 1st. Apply now!
I imagine the competition for this job will be tough. Who wouldn’t want to get paid to come to Vegas with a friend for a full week and get paid $4,000 to do so? My question is can I get the job if I live here? Just pay me the money you would save by not having to pay for my flight or hotel room.
Many stores, bars, and restaurants are concocting new margaritas with different ingredients and serving them in super creative ways trying to get a 10/10. And we know Vegas takes their cocktails very seriously so I’m sure they are going to be amazing for your taste buds and your Instagram page.
Some people might consider this a once-in-a-lifetime job opportunity. One thing is for sure: This job will draw a lot of attention and generate many applications. It’s up to to select their Margarita Tester. Cheers!
The competition is open to those 21 and over who reside in the U.S. and Canada.
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