Chat GPT Will Get You Out Of Traffic Tickets
We’ve all been there. You get back to your car after a long day only to discover that you’ve received a parking ticket that you don’t feel you deserve. What do you do? Millie Holton, a college student in London, had the ingenious idea of using Chat GPT to compose an appeal letter to her city council contesting the fine. And it worked! The council read her letter and rescinded the ticket. Could this be the answer to all of life’s problems? Let’s take a closer look at what happened.
Chat GPT is an AI-driven bot technology that allows users to ask questions and receive answers from automated chatbots that are trained on certain topics or areas of expertise. It uses natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms to generate responses that sound like they were written by humans.
In Millie’s case, she used Chat GPT to write a persuasive letter contesting her parking ticket. Apparently, it was convincing enough for the council because they decided not to levy the fine against her! It just goes to show that even AI can have persuasive powers when it comes to getting out of sticky situations.
I’m sure Millie Holton is a big fan of AI because it just saved her $75 but I am not a fan. It scares me so much that it will soon take over the world and all of our jobs. But I guess we are either with it or against it at this point right?
Are you a fan of Chat GPT or any type of AI? Have you used AI to get you out of anything or maybe gotten some schoolwork done?
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