A Mom Is Under Fire For What She Serves Her Kids
Every parent wants to provide the best possible everything for their child, right? But let’s be honest, sometimes life gets in the way of our good intentions, especially when you’re a busy mom. When you have a full-time job, a house to clean, shopping to do, and a million other things on your plate, it can be challenging to prepare healthy and nutritious meals for your little ones every day. That is why moms like Karlee are under fire for what she serves her kids each meal.
For moms like Karlee, who are short on time and energy, she gives her one and three year old toddlers the same meal all of the time and people are upset at what it is she serves them. For breakfast, they get one full-size donut and four donut holes, for lunch, they get pizza and french fries, for dinner, they get half of a cheeseburger french fries, and watermelon.
People are mad!
Now I understand for sure. That isn’t a well balanced meal. Not a single one of them. But she is trying. Right? Maybe if she just switched up the breakfast. While most breakfast foods have a ton of sugar you can have them eat fruit, smoothies, toast, or even a smoothie. Lunch… I’m ok with it. My kids are picky, sometimes I just give them whatever they will actually eat so I can focus on cleaning or bath time.
If you’re a busy mom looking for quick and easy meal solutions, there are plenty of alternatives to what she is serving, that are both convenient and healthy. For instance, you could opt for pre-packaged meals, which are available from most grocery stores. Or maybe the ones that deliver healthy, balanced meals to your house. I’m always a big fan of meal prepping. It does take some time but if you knock it out on Sunday you don’t have to cook again the rest of the week if you do it right.
While it may be tempting to offer your kids fast food every day, and just take the easy road out, it’s not an ideal solution from a long-term perspective. As parents, it’s our responsibility to create a healthy food environment for our kids, which includes offering a variety of nutritious foods that are both tasty and satisfying. We need to teach our kids the importance of healthy eating habits early on because they’ll carry these habits with them throughout their lives. But I also want to make it clear that I don’t judge any mom for feeding their children, we are all trying to get by!